whohoo for mail! ::

September 3, 2008

I love getting mail [and, yes, that’s kind of a hint…]. Letter are amazing because they cost 94 cents to mail and its just fun getting a hand written letter. I showed everyone the card from the now notorious Grandma Fluff earlier this week.

And then, one of the girls that was here this summer sent us a package that arrived on Monday. She included something for everyone individually. Yes, it did feel like Christmas! She taught me how to knit while she was here, and unfortunately I haven’t done it since. BUT, thanks to Taryn’s package, I now have knitting needles and an instruction book with patterns for fun stuff like sweaters [okay, the odds of me ever being good enough to knit a sweater are pretty slim!].

We sent her photos of everyone and their present…here’s me pretending I know what I’m doing.

I am determined to learn…I’ll keep you posted on my progress. If nothing else, it will help those 17 hour plane rides back to America go just a little faster…

2 Responses to “whohoo for mail! ::”

  1. moweezle said

    You’re right…there’s NOTHING like getting mail, and packages are even better!!! Every time I would get a package it would make my entire day 🙂 Have fun!

  2. katie said

    I know! I love mail!!

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